There were rooms for every album where they were playing it, and it this one, there was John Coltranes Saxophone, Miles Davis trumpet, and a letter than the piano player wrote about each song. It was really incredible. Miles trumpet from his later funk, drugee stage. Coltrane's sax Miles Trumpet Dana and I went to the Miles Davis Exhibition. It was really amazing. There were videos, 6 or 7 of his trumpets, notes, interviews, everything. I was so happy, and Dana bought me a new Miles Davis shirt as an early birthday present! haha so perfect.
What I lived off of :P Rembrandt Old Man print Rembrandt's bed all the great houses made out of brick at weird angles I amsterdam! yayy Swans on the canal xxx is the sign of amsterdam, and there were thousands of bikes out there. my bed! cool graffitti next to me.
A weekend in Amsterdam by myself was pretty amazing. I got on the train, had no idea where I was staying, or where the train was taking me in Amsterdam. I got there around 10 p.m. and started walking around the city. I walked through the streets and walked over the bridges of the canals, and decided to play guitar on the canal. It was really fun, then it got freezing around 12:00, so I decided to look for a place to stay. Before I had left for Amsterdam I had looked up Hostels, and Bob's Youth Hostel was the only one that I had checked out. I was walking for a good amount of time, and of course, the one place I stumble on is Bob's. I walked in to the lobby, with the smell of weed overpowering the room and random indian music playing. There were pictures and drawings all over the wall, and it looked like a perfect place to stay. I later found out it was probably the cheapest option in Amsterdam, so that worked out nicely. I went to my room, got in my bed, and went to sleep, it was nice and warm with a good view out the window of the street. I woke up the next morning, and I met Callum, an Australian guy and his girlfriend who was Swiss, and we decided that we would hang out at night together. During the day I went to the Rijksmuseum and saw Rembrandt's Night Watch and Ruisdael and Frans Hals paintings, and then I went to Van Gogh's Museum. Van Gogh museum was so amazing, it was three floors full of his art, his letters that he wrote to his brother and friends, and basically showing his whole life, the method behind his madness. He really was a smart man who knew a lot about art history and he loved to read, he just started going mad in his later years. After the museum, I went to the grocery store and bought Stroopwaffles, which are some of the best foods ever. I basically lived off those this weekend, its a mini waffle with honey inside. I went back to Bob's, and had a great night with Callum and his girlfriend. The next day I woke up, got free breakfast from Bob's, two pieces of bread an a boiled egg, and then I started walking around. I went to a really nice big church, and then just walked around the streets. I found a great market where I bought a three euro camera, I bought some cannibis lollipops as souveniegers haha, and then I stumbled on Rembrandt's museum, which used to be his house. There was a printmaking room, his original prints, his room, and other prints. There was Albrecht Durer, Picasso, etc, it was really cool to see. I walked by the Heiniken Brewery, but couldn't convince myself to spend 15 euros to walk through a brewery, and then I went back to the room to get a good nights rest. I ended up meeting another guy in my room named Arturo from Mexico, who turned out to be a really interesting/weird guy. We started talking by him telling me he wanted to go to the Red Light District, and he wished he had more money because he would be over there, and he started telling me about the prices and stuff that was really funny, and then I we actually got in to real conversation. He told me about all of his travles and he is a travel agent in Mexico, and we talked about his girlfriend and stuff, and we both kind of learned and helped eachother by talking, it was really cool. Then I went to bed, woke up, had breakfast, checked out of Bob's, and walked around the city. I found a really amazing library with free internet and comfortable chairs, and I ended up spending a lot of time in there, it gave me a chance to get my homework done and kind of just relax. I left there, and was determined to find the red light district because I had to go there before I left Amsterdam. I found it, was really suprised and kind of shocked, and then I sat and played guitar on the canal. I was playing for awhile, then these two drunk irish guys come up and sit next to me. We sang and played guitar and had a great time, and they took me to a couple of bars to hang out, it was really fun. I left them after awhile, and went to the Centraal station to see if it was open, and it wasn't until 5:45, it was about 3:00. I sat and played guitar again at a metro stop, and met a crazy bisexual local netherland kind my age named Thomas, and a lady named Merina from Greece. We hung out all night, and it was really amazing how I met all of these great people and did all of these things on the night that I needed to stay up for my train. The Greek lady actually stayed with me until I left on the train and we had some great talks. Then I slept the whole ride back, and was overall really happy with the weekend.
The rest of the week has been nice too. I had painting class yesterday, went to the rodin museum, and art history and photography class right now.
Munich this weekend, and then just one more week!!!!!!!!!!!!!