There have been so many times already during this trip where I just sit and smile, realizing how many great things I am doing. The one today happened right as I took off to Portugal.
There was no smiling before this flight though....
I thought it would be a great idea to stay up all night so that I wouldn't miss my flight. And of course, it did the reverse effect. I feel asleep, woke up an hour before my flight left, rushed to the Airport on the Underground, and missed my flight. I called my mom because I was so pissed and didn't know what to do, but I figured it out. I got the cheapest ticket I could find in the Airport and waited basically all day in the Airport for it to take off. So I was in Heathrow from 11am until 8 pm............................
I got to Lisbon, got a taxi with a great guy who told me all about Lisbon and then arrived at Russio Square, a big central part of downtown, at the Hotel Metropole. It is beautiful. I will take tons of pictures tomorrow. I didn't take many today because I was so mad at the world.
But, now I am in Lisbon with my great teacher Eugene Harris and my two great friends Aubrey and Scott, and I can't wait for tomorrow.
Song(s) of the Day
Joe Hisaishi - Merry Go Round of Life
While I was waiting in the Airport, I decided to listen to music to get my mind off of being so dumb, and when this song came on, it really cheered me up. I feel that music has a huge effect on emotions, and this song really helped mine :)
The second song was The Resophonics song called Spring Rain Fall. They are a local band from Boston, and they are just great. The songs lyrics fit for the day, it went something like, come on let the spring rain fall, because the sun is going to rise tomorrow after all. I can't find it online, but you should look for it!
French Word of the Day
stupide- stupid