Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Miles Exhibition

There were rooms for every album where they were playing it, and it this one, there was John Coltranes Saxophone, Miles Davis trumpet, and a letter than the piano player wrote about each song. It was really incredible.
Miles trumpet from his later funk, drugee stage.
Coltrane's sax
Miles Trumpet
Dana and I went to the Miles Davis Exhibition. It was really amazing. There were videos, 6 or 7 of his trumpets, notes, interviews, everything. I was so happy, and Dana bought me a new Miles Davis shirt as an early birthday present! haha so perfect.

Song of the Day again



  1. This video is awesome. I know the "Kind of Blue" version of that song so well that it's really interesting to hear how different (and the same) this one is.

  2. so perf. What a great day we had! I am glad you liked your birthday present.. I am soo sneaky.. :)
    Thanks for sharing miles with me, I learned a lot.
    twilight tonight!!
